Located on 4112 Shady Ln in Enid, OK lies the Shady Lane RV Park.
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Park speed is 5 MPH. NO EXCEPTIONS. Please advise your guests of this rule or they will be asked to leave.
NO aggressive breeds. No exceptions. Pets must be approved by park management. Pets must be kept on leash while outside of the RV. Pets can only be tied up if the owner is outside with them. Fences are allowed but must be approved by park management. Bathroom duties must be kept to YOUR LOT ONLY and must be picked up and disposed of immediately. Do not walk your pets in any other lot even if it is vacant.
No Campfires allowed on this property. Fire pits purchased from a store and approved by park management are allowed during low fire danger times. NO grilling allowed during EXTREME FIRE TIMES.
No utility trailers allowed. You are required to keep your lot clean and clutter free. No outside storage allowed. Storage buildings are available for an extra $100 per month.
Washing of any vehicle and/or RV is NOT ALLOWED. NO EXCEPTIONS. No swimming pools allowed.
RV must be in well maintained condition. Must be within 15 years old No leaks. No tarps covering any part of the RV at any time. No exceptions. RV Must have current tag. Siding must be approved.
No external leaks. Must be operable and well maintained. IF the vehicle is inoperable, you will be asked to remove it from the property. Each lot is allowed (1) RV and (1) vehicles. You may pay an additional fee for a 2nd vehicle but it must be registered with park management. Do not repair or Maintenance your vehicles on park property. Drive only on roadways. No exceptions. Be mindful of your neighbors and keep vehicular noise at a minimum. No revving of engines. No recreational vehicles, ATVs, dirt bikes.